Bale's advice to Messi on life in MLS 'They accept losing a bit more

Lionel Messi, generally considered one of the greatest players of all time, moved to Major League Soccer (MLS) at his peak. Many people are wondering how Messi will adjust to the unique difficulties and dynamics of American football as he begins this new chapter. Gareth Bale, the Welsh football star who previously played in MLS, has personal knowledge of the change. With his ideas and experiences, Bale offers some excellent advice for Messi about life in the MLS. In this article, we will explore Bale’s advice to Messi on life in MLS and how they differ from Messi’s experiences in Europe.

Lionel Messi’s move to MLS

Messi’s decision to leave FC Barcelona for Inter Miami CF sent shockwaves around the football globe. His transfer to MLS signifies a huge step forward in his career, as he departs from the comforts of European football. It’s a daring decision that provides the Argentine superstar with fresh options and challenges.

Gareth Bale’s perspective

Bale, a former Real Madrid player who joined the LA Galaxy, knows the changes Messi will have to make. Bale’s MLS experience has provided him with significant insights into the league’s distinct elements as well as the demands put on players. To compete in this competitive climate, Bale emphasizes the significance of adopting an MLS attitude.

Embracing the mindset of MLS

One noteworthy distinction between the MLS and other top football leagues is the acceptance of defeat. While winning is vital, Bale encourages Messi to realize that clubs in the MLS are more forgiving of occasional setbacks. This approach enables athletes to stay focused, learn from defeats, and come back stronger. Messi can adapt to his expectations and stay motivated even during difficult times if he understands this cultural component.

Adjusting to the competitive landscape

The Major League Soccer (MLS) landscape is noted for its competitiveness, with clubs of diverse strengths and playing styles. Messi, according to Bale, should prepare for a wide spectrum of opponents, each with their own set of methods and skills. This flexibility will be essential for sustaining a constant level of performance and contributing to his team’s success.

Learning from defeats

Losses in European competitions are often scrutinized and criticized. However, there is a distinct viewpoint in MLS. Bale emphasizes the significance of seeing setbacks as chances for development and learning. Messi may improve his talents and contribute to his team’s success by analyzing errors, finding areas for growth, and gaining resilience.

Overcoming Challenges in MLS

Playing in the Major League Soccer (MLS) has its own set of hurdles, such as extensive travel distances, varied temperature conditions, and adjusting to a new culture. Messi, according to Bale, should tackle these problems with an open mind and a desire to accept the new. Messi can lay a solid foundation both on and off the pitch by immersing himself in the local culture, connecting with fans, and developing great connections with teammates.

Adapting to a different style of play

The MLS style of play differs from that of European leagues. Bale tells Messi to get acquainted with the tactical subtleties and toughness of the game in Major League Soccer. Messi can maximize his influence and contribute efficiently to his team’s success by changing his playing style to the league.

Off-field opportunities in the MLS

Beyond the football ground, Major League Soccer (MLS) provides intriguing off-field chances for players to make a big contribution. Whether it’s via community involvement, charity, or extending their brand, Bale believes Messi should take use of these possibilities to leave a lasting legacy in MLS and spread his worldwide impact.


Gareth Bale’s guidance will be a great guide for Lionel Messi as he begins his career in Major League Soccer. Messi will succeed in the competitive atmosphere if he embraces the league attitude, learns from losses, and adapts to specific obstacles. Messi can leave an unforgettable imprint on MLS and inspire future generations by immersing himself in the local culture and having a good influence both on and off the pitch.

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